Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Hard Day's Night

A circadian rhythm is a roughly 24-hour cycle in the biochemical, physiological, or behavioral processes of living entities, including plants, animals, fungi...practically every living thing on the globe.

I tried to interrupt my rhythm today, or yesterday depending on how you look at it. One of our 3rd shift employees recently left and I needed to be at work around 1:00 am to perform some skilled tasks. I left work early during the day and did my best to tire myself out by digging a 12 inch deep by 15 foot long trench and constructing a 15 foot by 3 foot planter (more on the trench and planter at a later date). Despite feeling tired and a bit achy, it really didn't help me to get to sleep when I headed for bed at 6:00 pm. I drifted in and out of sleep for a while, watched a bit of television and eventually fell asleep sometime after 8:00 pm.

I awoke to a ringing telephone and a 30 minute warning. Bed hair not withstanding, I looked and felt okay. I started the test at 2:00 am. Within 30 minutes I was reminded of those "baby daze" when waking up several times during the night for the care and feeding of an infant would render me nauseous and unable to think clearly. Fortunately a large glass of water took care of my malaise and I was up and running at something near full speed.

For many, this shift is their normal work time. Waiters, waitresses, cooks, bakers, the voices on the radio, security guards, cleaning services, hospital workers, taxi cab drivers...the list is long.

There is a new and growing nocturnal work force lurking in the neon glow. The graveyard or the third-shift, once predominantly populated by blue-collar workers, is now also filling its ranks with energy brokers, computer programmers, and financial advisers. Think of those who answer our phone calls on the other side of the world. Relatively high wages and the opportunity to be part of an upscale, globalized work environment draw many in the Far East to the call center industry.

Shift differentials, fewer meetings, less traffic, fewer people to compete with for promotions...there are many good reasons for working the night shift. I prefer to sleep during the night, but that's just me.

The balance of the night passed without issue. I completed the testing and eventually headed home. Now at 5:45 am, when I need to be going to sleep, I am very much awake, having arrived at the time of day I typically wake up. I see a power nap or two in my immediate future.

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