Saturday, April 14, 2012

Second Chance

Dr. Oliver Sacks wrote in "Awakenings" how the philosopher Immanuel Kant spoke of music as "the quickening art". I have written about music before, how it stirs my soul and how I can feel it with my very being and my heart.

Here is your chance to stir the souls of others who need it most. Music & Memory is an organization that trains caretakers on incorporating individually relevant music into therapeutic care and raises funds to help provide the resources for that care. Watch the clips on their web-site and prepared to be moved.

In "The Dry Salvages,” T.S. Eliot wrote "It is not heard at all, but you are the music, while the music lasts." I pray the music lasts forever. Help it last by giving a tiny machine that can bring a spark back to someone's eyes and stir their soul again and again.

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