Sunday, March 4, 2012

Carolina In My Mind

Memories. They are enduring because they are so diffused, ingrained in a multitude of connections between numerous cells in our brains. Think of one thing and another comes rushing forward, then another. Relearning some piece of a forgotten memory can result in the unprompted recovery of more and more memories.

The same thing happens with thoughts and feelings. All it takes is a memory to trigger your thoughts and feelings, and you will find yourself in a familiar place.

Memories make up the continuing experience of life. They are what makes us comfortable with people and surroundings that are familiar to us, tie the past to the present and the present to the future. Who we are, how we act, what we think, are all due to our collective set of memories.

While memories do not recognize the boundaries of time or space, time, much like memories, can be fleeting. Make some memories today.

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