For years, Cindy and I have made it a point to have lunch together once a week. Just the two of us, no family, no friends. Sometimes it is filled with discussion, other times it is an opportunity to listen without comment, but every time it is an opportunity to be with each other, to tie up big threads and leave the little one hanging about for another day. This week was no exception. We had just finished getting our self-serve drinks when I noticed an elderly woman starring intently at her receipt. She explained to me she was legally blind asked me to read the number on her recei
pt so she would know what to listen for. I told her the number and she thanked me, and then continued working on getting lids for the drinks she was managing.
Just then her number was called and she looked about a bit flustered as if wondering how to manage both the beverages and the food. I offered to get her tray and delivered it to the table where her friend was waiting, both of them thanking me for the assistance.
I stood back later and never considered why I helped that woman, as I already knew. It was my family that taught me right from wrong, to say please and thank you, showed me how kindness, courtesy and respect were part of everyday life.
Helping others brings good feelings to the giver and the receiver, making both feel more worthy of good deeds, reinforcing the decency of people, feeling more connected to others. Studies show that service to others helps us to feel more grateful for what we have and less invested in whatever causes stress for so many of us.
It was not conscious thought on my part to help this person, it just happened. It, of course, was the right thing to do. It was also a reminder to me that when opportunities to help present themselves we must take the risks we are asked to take, we must put ourselves out there and remember not everyone in this world is bad and waiting to sue us for a good deed gone wrong.